TreeViewSearcher..::..SearchAndReturnNextNodeThatContainsText Method
Searches the and return next node that contains text.
UAOOI.Windows.FormsAssembly: CAS.Windows.Forms (in CAS.Windows.Forms.dll)
- StartTreeNode
- Type: TreeNode
The start tree node.
- TextToBeSearched
- Type: String
The text to be searched.
- Forward
- Type: Boolean
if set to true [forward].
- JumpToTheBeginningWhenEndOfTreeIsReachedOrReturnNullIfItIsFalseAndEndOfTreeIsReached
- Type: Boolean
if set to true [jump to the beginning when end of tree is reached or return null if it is false and end of tree is reached].
- stringComparison
- Type: StringComparison
The string comparison.