OOI UA-ModelCompiler

Template Methods

The Template type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddReplacement
Adds a replacement value for a token.
Protected method StrCmp
Determines if the target exists in the string at the specified index.
Public method Write(Char)
Writes the text to the stream.
Public method Write(String)
Writes the text to the stream.
Public method Write(String, Object)
Formats and then writes the text to the stream.
Public method Write(String, Object, Object)
Formats and then writes the text to the stream.
Public method Write(String, Object, Object, Object)
Formats and then writes the text to the stream.
Public method Write(String, array<Object>[]()[][])
Formats and then writes the text to the stream.
Public method WriteLine(String)
Writes the text to the stream followed by a new line.
Public method WriteLine(String, Object)
Formats and then writes the text to the stream followed by a new line.
Public method WriteLine(String, Object, Object)
Formats and then writes the text to the stream followed by a new line.
Public method WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object)
Formats and then writes the text to the stream followed by a new line.
Public method WriteLine(String, array<Object>[]()[][])
Formats and then writes the text to the stream followed by a new line.
Public method WriteNextLine
Writes a newline and then indents the text for the next line.
Public method WriteTemplate(Context)
Performs the substitutions specified in the template and writes it to the stream.
Protected method WriteTemplate(Object, String, String)
Substitutes a multi-line template for a token.
Protected method WriteToken
Substitutes simple text template for a token.