OOI UA-ModelCompiler

DictionaryDesign Members

The DictionaryDesign type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Copy (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public method ToString()()()()
Returns the string representation of the object.
(Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public method ToString(String, IFormatProvider)
Returns the string representation of the object.
(Inherited from NodeDesign.)


  Name Description
Public property AccessLevel (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property AccessLevelSpecified (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property ArrayDimensions (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property BrowseName (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property Category (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property Children (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property DataType (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property Declaration (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property DefaultValue (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property Description (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property DisplayName (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property EncodingName
Public property Historizing (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property HistorizingSpecified (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property IsDeclaration (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property IsDynamic (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property MaxCardinality (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property MinCardinality (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property MinimumSamplingInterval (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property MinimumSamplingIntervalSpecified (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property ModellingRule (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property ModellingRuleSpecified (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property NotInAddressSpace (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property NumericId (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property NumericIdSpecified (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property PartNo (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property PreserveDefaultAttributes (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property Purpose (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property References (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property ReferenceType (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property ReleaseStatus (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property StringId (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property SymbolicId (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property SymbolicName (Inherited from NodeDesign.)
Public property TypeDefinition (Inherited from InstanceDesign.)
Public property ValueRank (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property ValueRankSpecified (Inherited from VariableDesign.)
Public property WriteAccess (Inherited from NodeDesign.)