OOI UA-ModelCompiler

ServiceType Members

The ServiceType type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ServiceType


  Name Description
Public method ToString (Inherited from DataType.)


  Name Description
Public property AllowArrays (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property Category (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property Documentation (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property Identifier (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property IdentifierSpecified (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property InterfaceType
Public property Name (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property NotInAddressSpace (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property PartNo (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property Purpose (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property QName
The qualifed name for the data type.
(Inherited from DataType.)
Public property ReleaseStatus (Inherited from DataType.)
Public property Request
Public property Response