OOI UA-ModelCompiler

SchemaGenerator Members

The SchemaGenerator type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method SchemaGenerator
Loads and validates the type dictionary.


  Name Description
Protected method AddNestedTypes
Adds any nested complex types.
Protected method AddTemplate
Initializes a template to use for substitution.
Protected method CollectDatatypes
Returns the datatypes in the dictionary.
Protected method CreateDescription
Creates a description from the documentation element.
Protected method GetDescription
Creates a description from a documentation element.
Protected method GetDisplayName
Returns the display name for a browse name.
Protected method GetFields
Fetches all of the fields for a complex type by following the base type.
Protected method GetListOfTypes(Boolean)
Returns the datatypes in the dictionary.
Protected method GetListOfTypes(Type, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns the datatypes in the dictionary.
Protected method GetPrefixedName
Returns a name qualified with a namespace prefix.
Protected method IsNull
Checks for a null qualified name.


  Name Description
Protected property Dictionary
The dictionary being processed.
Protected property NamespaceUris
The namespace uris referenced by types in the dictionary.
Protected property OutputDirectory
The directory used to place any output files.
Protected property TargetNamespace
The current target namespace.
Protected property Validator
The validator used to verify the type dictionary.