UAOOI.ProcessObserver.RealTime.Processes Namespace
UAOOI.ProcessObserver.RealTime.Utils.Collections.Generic Namespace

Condition Class

The condition concept offers a way of the synchronization. Each condition is associated with an important event (condition); hence the appearance of a signal is meant as appearance of the associated event, which manifests in establishing the relevant condition. Generally, three kinds of operations on signals are defined, namely, wait - to suspend process until the associated signal will be sent, Notify - to awake one of the waiting processes, and IsAwaiting - to check if any process is waiting for the specified signal.

Namespace:  UAOOI.ProcessObserver.RealTime.Processes
Assembly:  RealTime (in RealTime.dll)


public sealed class Condition
Public NotInheritable Class Condition
public ref class Condition sealed

Inheritance Hierarchy
